速報APP / 工具 / 3D Scan Viewer

3D Scan Viewer





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Meiko-Bld. 3-A 6-1, Ichijoji Jizomotocho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, KYOTO, JAPAN

3D Scan Viewer(圖1)-速報App

"3D Scan Viewer" is a 3D model data file viewer. Using this app, you can see the 3d model data from any direction.

 In the museum and the art gallery you cannot touch the exhibits and you cannot see from any direction them. But if you used this app and selected the "Sensor" from the menu, the 3D model data will rotate by the device's posture. So you can see them from any direction like having them in your hands.

 You can read 3D model data using file browser. Available formats are PLY which is exported by "Sense 3D Scanner", STL-binary and RTD. In Addition, you can read the 3d model data that you made. In this case, you have to make the data in accordance with a defined format and save it with the extension TXT. More details of the file format:http://www.rugle.co.jp/android/txt3dformat-en.htm

- RTD format

 RTD format is the original format which is composed vertices, color and normal vector. If you want to use RTD format, you need a data conversion software "TRansRTD". It can translate the Artec 3D model data (*.obj) into RTD.

Download: http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~mobileapps/files/transrtd.htm (You need a Windows PC to use this software.)

※You should not be using this app by the unnatural posture.

※In order to avoid dropping your device, please hold it firmly.

3D Scan Viewer(圖2)-速報App

【Checking of operations model】

- SAMSUNG SC-06D (Galaxy S3)


- ASUS Nexus 7

- ASUS Nexus 7 (2013)

- SONY Tablet S

- SONY Xperia Tablet Z

- SONY Xperia Z1

3D Scan Viewer(圖3)-速報App


3D Scan Viewer(圖4)-速報App